ar X iv : h ep - p h / 01 08 19 5 v 4 7 N ov 2 00 1 1 The Standard Model in 2001
The “Standard Model” of elementary particle physics encompasses the progress that has been made in the past half-century in understanding the weak, electromagnetic, and strong interactions. The name was apparently bestowed by my Ph. D. thesis advisor, Sam B. Treiman, whose dedication to particle physics kindled the light for so many of his students during those times of experimental and theoretical discoveries. These lectures are dedicated to his memory.
منابع مشابه
ar X iv : h ep - p h / 01 08 19 6 v 2 1 6 N ov 2 00 1 Flat directions , doublet - triplet splitting , the monopole problem , and all that
We discuss a supersymmetric SU(6) grand unified theory with the GUT flat direction being lifted by soft supersymmetry breaking, and the doublettriplet splitting being achieved with Higgs as a pseudo-Goldstone boson. The theory offers a simple solution to the false vacuum and monopole problems.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - p h / 01 11 04 9 v 1 6 N ov 2 00 1 The QCD Phase Diagram and Explosive Astrophysics
متن کامل
ar X iv : h ep - p h / 01 11 34 1 v 1 2 7 N ov 2 00 1 TUW - 01 - 30 HARD THERMAL LOOPS AND QCD THERMODYNAMICS
These lectures give an introduction to thermal perturbation theory, hard thermal loops, and their use in a nonperturbative, approximately self-consistent resummation of the thermodynamical potentials of quantum chromodynamics.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - p h / 01 11 39 6 v 1 2 9 N ov 2 00 1 SOFT INTERACTIONS
A brief introduction to the theory and phenomenology of soft interactions is given, focusing on total and elastic cross sections and multiparticle production.
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - p h / 01 08 01 9 v 2 1 4 A ug 2 00 1 Experimental study of Pomeron
A Pomeron phenomenon remains a mystery. A short review of the experimental situation in diffractive physics and an account of some spectacular manifestations of the Pomeron are given.
متن کامل